Be sure to check back to see all our upcoming events.
VIEW OUR CALENDAR. This calendar is open for instructors and management to add lessons, and events happening at Timber Creek Stables.
NOTE: This calendar is ever-changing. Due to a variety of circumstances, lessons may often get rescheduled. We very much appreciate your understanding of last minute changes. We will do our best to keep the calendar updated. The arena is not closed during lessons. Lesson students have the right of way in the arena. The arena will be closed for clinics and events and the closure will be indicated on the calendar. On occasion, there may be two instructors teaching during the same time period.
Follow Timber Creek Stables on Twitter!!!!
Jun 21, 2018
Simply send a text to phone number 40404. Message should say "follow @tmbrcrkstables" There is no need to sign up for a twitter account. Simply texting 40404 will enable you to recieve text notifications from Timber Creek Stables. Vet/Farrier reminders, horse turn-out status, show and clinic news, and other general …
Welcome to our Website
Sep 23, 2016
Welcome to the updated website for Timber Creek Stables. We're excited about being able to serve you on the web, so please look through our website to get more information about what we do and how we do it.